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Are You Ready For a Change?


Perhaps you're down or anxious - maybe you're unsure about the future of a relationship, health or job, or your child is struggling to overcome something.  You just feel that you, your family or significant other aren't living the life you were meant to lead.  I am here to offer support.


Therapy is a process of growth and self-discovery, and in my sessions I promote behavioral transformation through improved communication skills and the adoption of new attitudes and  better reactions. I have 

the tools and professional experience to help you get back on track.


Family Based Counseling is a systemic approach that, when necessary, involves the whole family because it is the structure within which you live and are influenced. Marriage and Family Therapists (MFT) look at the entire family as opposed to just working with the identified person.  

Not quick fixes... but meaningful fixes

You shouldn't have to be in therapy forever

Are you ready for change?  Are you struggling with issues related to Covid-19 stress, trauma, grief, addiction, anxiety, or major life changes? Now is the time to get the support you want from a licensed professional to help cope with many of life’s challenges.


Family Systems Therapy is a branch of psychotherapy that works with individuals, families and couples in relationships to nurture change and development


That is why I come to you.  


A Supportive Hug

Kevin Burke, LMFT - Licensed Marriage and Family Counselor

Your Local Family Counselor - Here to Guide You at Your Home, School, Work or Online.

Call: (484) 416-6055


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